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Weifang City Marine Fisheries Bureau went to Binhai District to conduct research on the construction of salmon industry projects


On the afternoon of July 25th, Xu Ying, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Maritime Fisheries Bureau, and a delegation went to the Binhai District to conduct research on the construction of salmon industry projects. The second level commissioner of the Binhai District Party and Government Office, Gao Shengming, leaders from the Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Marine Fisheries and Water Resources Bureau, Yangzi Street, Weifang Bincheng Construction Group Co., Ltd., and relevant personnel from Kangyuan Lingxian Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the research activity.

The research team held a symposium on site, and Kangyuan Lingxian Technology Co., Ltd. reported on the preliminary preparation work for the implementation of the salmon full industry chain engineering project in the coastal area. Relevant units demonstrated the various pre implementation elements of the project. On the basis of sufficient communication and exchange, the research team has put forward opinions and suggestions on accelerating the implementation of the project.

Through this survey, the responsibilities of all parties involved in project promotion have been clarified, and a communication and docking mechanism has been established. Next, the city, district, and township will form a joint force, strengthen communication and cooperation, innovate work methods, pay close attention to work implementation, accelerate project implementation and demonstration, and promote the rapid development of the salmon industry.

36 Gaoxin 2 Road, Weifang High-tech Zone, Shandong Province, China



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